It is that time of year where we all look back and wonder where 2018 has gone. I am sure it has had its good, bad, stressful and successful days. But we all have so much to be thankful for….besides a big turkey and a plate full of mash potatoes and gravy! In this time of entitlement, selfishness and sometimes self centeredness we need to realize that so many of our environmental problems we can help ease in many ways. Have you thought of using beautiful Old Growth Woods with a history that can never be equaled in “new” woods. What a statement to our friends and acquaintances the ability to utilize beautiful, unique and unusual Woods! Call us and come see what can make a statement in your home! We are so thankful for our customers who believe in the beautiful woods in our collections to make your home with an Amazing uniqueness.

Give us a call so you can come to our warehouse and find the historic woods that can become a part of your life..